Numerical and Experimental Research of the High-Speed Stall of Transport Aircraft

DFG Research Group 2895 to investigate the High-Speed Stall of Transport Aircraft established

December 16, 2019 / Dagmar Bülow-Pickl

The research group is part of an initiative that will carry out detailed numerical simulations and complex unsteady wind tunnel measurements on the mechanisms and effects of the transonic buffet phenomenon in transport aircraft configurations.
[Picture: Numerical and Experimental Research of the High-Speed Stall of Transport Aircraft]

The DFG has approved the establishment of a new research group FOR 2895 ("Unsteady flow and interaction phenomena at High Speed Stall conditions"). The research group is part of an initiative that will carry out detailed numerical simulations and complex unsteady wind tunnel measurements on the mechanisms and effects of the transonic buffet phenomenon in transport aircraft configurations. Interactions with new Ultra High Bypass Ratio (UHBR) engine configurations and the impact of the separated wing wake on the tail aerodynamics are also considered. The phenomena are to be investigated up to flight-relevant Reynolds numbers, which makes the use of a cryogenic wind tunnel necessary. Instead of air, nitrogen is used, which is cooled to extreme sub-zero temperatures. Thus Reynolds numbers can be realized on the model, as they occur during actual flight of a full-size aircraft. The complex measurements will be carried out in the European Transonic Wind Tunnel (ETW) in Cologne, financed by the Helmholtz Association (HGF) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Thorsten Lutz is the spokesperson of the research group and IAG is involved with two numerical subprojects (Andrea Beck, Thorsten Lutz). In addition to the University of Stuttgart, the Technical Universities of Munich and Braunschweig as well as the RWTH Aachen University and DLR are partners in the research group, which comprises a total of seven subprojects.


Dr. Thorsten Lutz,
Universitäty of Stuttgart,
Institute of Aerodynamics and Gas Dynamics,
Working group Aircraft,
Tel. +49 (0) 711/685-63406,
Email Dr. Lutz 

Press release Uiversitäty of Stuttgart

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