This image shows Thorsten Lutz

Thorsten Lutz


Applicant (TP4) FOR 2895
Head of working group Aircraft Aerodynamics / Head of working group Wind Energy, Institute of Aerodynamics und Gas Dynamics


+49 711 685 63406
+49 711 685 63438

Business card (VCF)

Pfaffenwaldring 21
D-70569 Stuttgart
Room: 1.029


  • Aircraft Aerodynamics:
    • aerodynamics of aircraft
    • subsonic and transsonic aerodynamics and aerodynamic design
    • boundary layers and separated turbulent flow
    • aeroacoustics
    • passive and active flow control 
    • airfoil design

  • DFG research unit 2895

  • Wind Energy:
    • aerodynamics of wind turbines
    • aeroacoustics
    • aeroelastycity
    • load and noise control
    • airfoil design

Former employees

Former project partners: TU Braunschweig

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